2416 Stanley Ave
Dayton, OH USA 45404
937-222-3633, 937-222-3833

A pic of the 1931 Packard 840 Dietrich entering our shop for repair of minor paint defects. This car is a site to behold from any angle.
A front shot of this gorgeous show car prior to fixing the rock chips. It is an honor to have the opportunity to work on this rare a Packard.
Here are some shots of the rock chips. After applying paint and carefully polishing each spot, you could not tell where the rock chips had been. Mission accomplished. Another Happy Customer! Thank you Robert Katz for bringing us the opportunity.
Here is a shot of the rear quarter. After painting and buffing it is almost impossible to tell where the rock chips were. Here it is sanded down to level with the rest of the paint prior to buffing.
Another pic this time of the passenger front fender. The paint chips are on the proud edge from the running board and moving up about three inches. Again, shot taken prior to buffing.
Wait til you see it on the road
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